
Photographer - Tobi Brun


I drift from this world to the next

I would suppose all do—

When nearing the end

Awaiting cessation of all bodily functions.

Those who are near gather about,

I heave and spatter, my lungs on fire;

They congregate, closer they get

As I wander, ever so slowly 

Away from their world of dense matter

And into my new ethereal one. 

The machines about me are beeping

Alerting those close to me 

My departure imminent—

They hold me, anchor me down

I plead with a sigh, my last one…

I am off wandering the splendor

Of my new wondrous existence;

Glad to have left a little of me

Down there with them,  

The ones now weeping, 

Grieving my sudden earthly release…

To hell with them all.

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri



