Photographer - Beth Cole


Yes, doesn’t give the right to rule;

Nor does it command one inferior to an another—

Yes, is a word construed, can be used 

For good or not, the utterer the sole decider;

What truly is that word to any person?

For not the other, one can presume it, or not; 

A conundrum of sorts that very word, 

Yes, firmly said can scar, uttered without conviction confuses…

Yes, is a state of being; 

Controlled or not,

Yes, in certain terms and circumstances be deemed illogic 

Can completely annihilate the very sense of it;

A soul committed can carry it through 

To the end, truly depends…

Yes, altogether, that word so elusive, 

Used altruistically—

Can benefit, hinder, only sometimes, not at all times

And, when not utilised in good faith can seem 


Yes, to those who interpret it otherwise 

Was meant to originally be used for.

Yes, can get rather complicated…

Leaves one contemplating—

Sometimes means quite the opposite

Then again, simple words can be difficult

To comprehend their meanings, 

Yes, has so many rules, ambiguities galore;

Yes, if only one word had one true purpose

YES, would be that very word. 

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri


Dante’s Hell

