Poetry The Word's Faire . Poetry The Word's Faire .

Dante’s Hell

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Photographer - Tobi Brun

Dante’s Hell… 

Darkness shall descend, not at least when you expect

Will collect all its kind, all the madness and vile seeds, 

All shall witness the degradation as the sour wind passes; 

And for not the greedy vultures above, none will be the wiser—

For darkness comes in stealth; not like goodness, 

In small packages, this one comes in one gigantic leap

Quickly overtakes its kin until none are found 

Not one small piece of them shall be spared; 

And, the Earth shall be left wondering…

So too the heavens—

Where hath all mankind gone?

Us women know…

To Dante’s Hell where they belong. 

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri

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Poetry The Word's Faire . Poetry The Word's Faire .


A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Photographer - Beth Cole


Yes, doesn’t give the right to rule;

Nor does it command one inferior to an another—

Yes, is a word construed, can be used 

For good or not, the utterer the sole decider;

What truly is that word to any person?

For not the other, one can presume it, or not; 

A conundrum of sorts that very word, 

Yes, firmly said can scar, uttered without conviction confuses…

Yes, is a state of being; 

Controlled or not,

Yes, in certain terms and circumstances be deemed illogic 

Can completely annihilate the very sense of it;

A soul committed can carry it through 

To the end, truly depends…

Yes, altogether, that word so elusive, 

Used altruistically—

Can benefit, hinder, only sometimes, not at all times

And, when not utilised in good faith can seem 


Yes, to those who interpret it otherwise 

Was meant to originally be used for.

Yes, can get rather complicated…

Leaves one contemplating—

Sometimes means quite the opposite

Then again, simple words can be difficult

To comprehend their meanings, 

Yes, has so many rules, ambiguities galore;

Yes, if only one word had one true purpose

YES, would be that very word. 

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri

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Poetry The Word's Faire . Poetry The Word's Faire .


A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Photographer - Tobi Brun


I drift from this world to the next

I would suppose all do—

When nearing the end

Awaiting cessation of all bodily functions.

Those who are near gather about,

I heave and spatter, my lungs on fire;

They congregate, closer they get

As I wander, ever so slowly 

Away from their world of dense matter

And into my new ethereal one. 

The machines about me are beeping

Alerting those close to me 

My departure imminent—

They hold me, anchor me down

I plead with a sigh, my last one…

I am off wandering the splendor

Of my new wondrous existence;

Glad to have left a little of me

Down there with them,  

The ones now weeping, 

Grieving my sudden earthly release…

To hell with them all.

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri

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Poetry The Word's Faire . Poetry The Word's Faire .


A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Photographer - Tobi Brun


So, you think you have worked it all out

life with all its intricacies, the ins-and-outs—

Have you truly thought long and hard upon it? I catch sometimes when you are pretending to sleep

though you might think you have, I truly believe you have yet to—

To grasp the whole concept in one life-time, you must be a genius or perhaps, just frightened

realisation can come at a cost, knowing too much, too young

a burden for most, seems not for you— different… somehow.

Have you an inkling at all? So methodical you are, one who would rather have life bypass him;

inclined to shrug all the goings-on, watching the years shorten

as the knowledge of knowing ages your time; 

I shall call it out, I do not think you have figured it all out,

presumably, maybe… you don’t fool me with your

facial expression of knowing all about life; how could you?

you still rely on me so heavily, so shall take you in hand…

lead you upon the path we take every day,

throw you the ball you love chasing so much,

and, let’s not pretend you, know-it-all.

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri

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Poetry The Word's Faire . Poetry The Word's Faire .

Compos Mentis

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Photographer - Tobi Brun

Compos Mentis

A thought in mind

can be shared, 

inclined to spread… 

without knowing how, 

why, when…?  

one is able—

telling it 

or thinking… 

two distinctive


thinking can be measured,

telling can be heard

one is right of mind

the other left of centre. 

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri

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