
Photographer - Tobi Brun


So, you think you have worked it all out

life with all its intricacies, the ins-and-outs—

Have you truly thought long and hard upon it? I catch sometimes when you are pretending to sleep

though you might think you have, I truly believe you have yet to—

To grasp the whole concept in one life-time, you must be a genius or perhaps, just frightened

realisation can come at a cost, knowing too much, too young

a burden for most, seems not for you— different… somehow.

Have you an inkling at all? So methodical you are, one who would rather have life bypass him;

inclined to shrug all the goings-on, watching the years shorten

as the knowledge of knowing ages your time; 

I shall call it out, I do not think you have figured it all out,

presumably, maybe… you don’t fool me with your

facial expression of knowing all about life; how could you?

you still rely on me so heavily, so shall take you in hand…

lead you upon the path we take every day,

throw you the ball you love chasing so much,

and, let’s not pretend you, know-it-all.

A.C. Perri lives in the southern hemisphere where she has been writing free-style poetry and pieces of fiction described as 'delightfully unconventional' and 'over-the-top' creative works for many years. She has won awards for her work in local writing competitions having had a few published in Indie magazines. Perri’s most endearing quality is her persistence.

Find me on Instagram: @a.c.perri




Compos Mentis