
Photographer - Tobi Brun


June 2022, Alentejo, Portugal.

ágape, eros, amor 

a nomad of the Kalahari, a pagan figure, 

a Satan of the modern world learning to tap into 

what I’m capable of listening to, suspending 

on that door 

I’ve been wanting to open so I can sing loudly. 

tell me about your lies 

& we can draft the path of what is to come 

sand these rough edges

& help me say 

what I really wanna say; that the smell of dry grass  & clay dust 

fills up every corner of this house.

Mario Framis Pujol is a cross-pollinated wanderer, who dances in the opaque, the chaotic, the tender, a being with the land... Their research-based practice circles around farming as liberation, politics as a crack, cooking as sovereignty, self-expression, vulnerability, and consciousness through intimate contact with nature, and creating open communal spaces for deep listening of bodily sensations. He dedicates their days to tending the land, as a farmer and as a facilitator to share his experience with multispecies groups who want to cultivate inner peace, learn from the natural world, and inspire themselves in the day-to-day, hence being able to focus our perspective, in aspects related to work, food, and social ecologies, through artistic harmony




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