More On Containers

Photographer - Mario Framis Pujol

more on containers 

where are you from? 

where are you really from? don't be a hypocrite; 

from the bacteria that form me, from the universe, 

the ocean, 

the matter, 

the non-matter, 

we don't know, 

from my mother 

& my mother's mother, 

from nothingness, 

from everywhere, 

from chance, 

from the soul... 

it's always been the story that made the difference

& it was never meant to be my story, it's supposed to be our story. 

what is so interesting anyways 

about the ascent of man 

and their bloody violence? 

can we rather tell 

Ursula's story 

of the woman who harvested the wild oats, the story of life, 

the story of humanity. 

what is the story I wanna tell? 

the story of pores opening up, 

of jars full of pickles, 

the story with no linearity, 

the story of tending the land. 

but is this also a story 

where I'm just a slightly more discreet version of the great hero i such loathe?

Mario Framis Pujol is a cross-pollinated wanderer, who dances in the opaque, the chaotic, the tender, a being with the land... Their research-based practice circles around farming as liberation, politics as a crack, cooking as sovereignty, self-expression, vulnerability, and consciousness through intimate contact with nature, and creating open communal spaces for deep listening of bodily sensations. He dedicates their days to tending the land, as a farmer and as a facilitator to share his experience with multispecies groups who want to cultivate inner peace, learn from the natural world, and inspire themselves in the day-to-day, hence being able to focus our perspective, in aspects related to work, food, and social ecologies, through artistic harmony



A Step Back in Time

