Let it Rise

Photographer - Tobi Brun

Let it Rise 

I am being swallowed up while inside a cocoon, 

the memory of these cracks thaw. 

have tea with your elders; we’re all wisdom keepers & we’re all students, 

of the gift of a disabled life, accepting we are not meant to hold everything on our own. These lands are broken 

& water wants to rise 

up through the cracks; 

let it mutiny, 

let it rise.

Mario Framis Pujol is a cross-pollinated wanderer, what dances in the opaque, the chaotic, the tender, a being with the land... Their research- based practice circles around things like farming as liberation, politics as a crack, cooking as sovereignty, self-expression, vulnerability and consciousness through intimate contact with nature and the creation of open communal spaces for deep listening of bodily sensations. He dedicates their days to tending the land, as a farmer and as a facilitator to share his experience with multispecies groups who want to cultivate inner peace, learn from the natural world, inspire themselves in the day to day, hence being able to focus our perspective, in aspects related to work, food and social ecologies, through artistic harmony.






The Revolution is Knocking At Our Door