Poetry The Word's Faire . Poetry The Word's Faire .

‘The Home I Love’, ‘Still Life’ & ‘A Message to the Giants’

Caleb Haas is an emerging poet from the Pittsburgh area, working on his first chapbook: "One to Another".

Photographer - Tobi Brun

The Home I Love

Everything looks like

Western Pennsylvania to

The traveler from

Western Pennsylvania, so

He believes he has

Seen the world.

It is as if he

Is pursued by an endless

Sea of relatives,

And the dangers of

Distant lands are only those

Reflected in his

Sunglasses. So he is lost

Among identical roads.

Still Life

Center: chowder in

A fat, white bowl, bits of fish

Cut in sluices lumped

Over the pale lip;

Left: a folded corner of

The tablecloth, that

Deep, speckled blue the

Color of unbroken waves;

Right: the slab of bread

Slathered with cream-gold

Butter, long lines laid across

Its crusted hillside.

A Message to the Giants

Play leapfrog across

Lake Erie, if you have to;

If the Ohio

Is not enough. Step

Side to side, one country to

The next, but be sure

To account for homes

Along the way. No-one likes

To be woken up

By an ecstatic

Big toe squashing the bedroom,

Let alone the death.

But I doubt you can hear me,

Your airplane eyes coasting from

Cloud to cloud, your golden hair

Growing, careless, unchained, and

My voice as small as it is.

Caleb Haas is an emerging poet from the Pittsburgh area, working on his first chapbook: "One to Another".

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