Photographer - Tobi Brun
The sky bled pink
Upon the dark blue blanket
That made it’s way as far
As my eyes could gaze.
The high hill’s side
Stretched to the red eye
In the sky, the sandy land
Hand in hand with the cosmos around it.
That’s when I realized the eyes
Were not really bleeding,
They were weeping at the evening
They formed, yet would always long for.
The sun could see the beach,
The shadows that reached deep into the sea,
And the love affair between Neptune and her earthly lover,
But the masterpiece that she weaved
The pinks and blues that could swallow the view
Of me and everyone who could gaze at her and the ocean
Would forever be a stranger to her..
She may never see it,
But the world she infused with her magic
Reacted with the salty sea,
To create a piece better than anything by O’Keeffe.
I fell in love with this scene,
I would love to take the blanket with me
But she does not belong to any one being,
But I’ll still love all I have seen.
My only wish would be
To show her the same lovely eve
She bestowed everyone and me.
Thomas Tobin is a 19 year old poet from the New York metropolitan area. In the last year, he has become heavily involved in the Columbus poetry scene.